Angie Barlow, Missing After Private Party, Found Dead and Buried Months Later: A Tragic True Crime Story


Angie Barlow, a 23-year-old dancer from Indianapolis, went missing after being hired to dance at a private party in October 20161. The last time anyone heard from her was when she sent a Snapchat from what appeared to be inside the party1. Police later uncovered surveillance video showing Angie's car leaving the party, time-stamped at 3:29 a.m. It shows the apartment gate open and both cars appearing to leave together1.

The Investigation

Angie's family reported her missing, and police began investigating her disappearance. Cops suddenly announced an arrest in Muncie, Indiana, Angie's hometown1. Jason Hancock, 41, was charged with murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and obstruction of justice in connection with Angie's death1.

The Trial

At trial, prosecutors argued that Hancock and his girlfriend, Kelsey Lipp, lured Angie to the party with the promise of money and drugs1. They then killed her and buried her body in a shallow grave in Hancock's backyard1. Lipp testified against Hancock, saying that he had strangled Angie and buried her body in his backyard1.

The Aftermath

Hancock was found guilty of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and obstruction of justice and was sentenced to 87 years in prison1. Lipp pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit murder and was sentenced to 20 years in prison1.


Angie Barlow's tragic story is a reminder of the dangers of accepting invitations to private parties from strangers. Her family and friends continue to mourn her loss, but justice has been served with the conviction of her killers.