VIDEO: Hamas and Palestinian violence on Israeli Citizens

Content warning: The images and video on this page may be difficult to watch. We are publishing so the world can see the atrocities. Viewer discretion is advised.

Breaking Israel: Entire families and car loads of Israeli civilians have been slaughtered in the most brutal surprise attack on the Sabbath when many Israelis were celebrating Shabat The Israeli Defence forces appear to have been completely caught off-guard and the feared Mossad intelligence services have failed spectacularly in preventing this horrific attack. We are likely to see a retaliation so severe that Palestine may cease to exist. Iran watches with interest and considers whether to take advantage of a blindsided Israel and push the attack to destroy the nation of Israel once and for all.


Palestinian terrorists shooting the elderly at a bus stop:

Heavily armed Hamas terrorists are going door to door in Kibbutz Be'eri looking for Israelis:


This video, reportedly showing an Israeli woman kidnapped, beaten and taken into Gaza, was filmed from Al Shuja-iyyah St in Gaza at about 10am this morning.


Israeli citizens fleeing from Gaza attacks. never seen anything like this.

This video shows a Hamas drone dropping a bomb on an Israeli ambulance. This is a war crime. The world must intervene.

Israeli women and children and men are being captured  by terrorists. This is unprecedented crisis never seen emerging.


Palestinians parading around the body of a young Israeli woman. These are the people world leaders want Israel to make peace with. Biden gave Iran $6 Billion on 9/11 last month

Tehran celebrates Hamas’ attack on Israel and slaughter of civilians with fireworks and cheers

Capture of an Israeli soldier from his tank:


Hamas parading the body of a captured Israeli woman. They desecrate her body while shouting “Allahu Akbar”. Israel must end Hamas once & for all:

The woman whose body was seen on video in the back of a pick-up truck driven by Palestinian terrorists to Gaza has been identified. 22-year-old Shani Louk was a German citizen visiting Israel to attend the music festival for peace held near the Gaza border fence.

Shani was a loving mother who embraced all the gifts life makes available to people.

Shani was a loving mother who embraced all the gifts life makes available to people.

The girl that has been kidnapped by the #Hamas is apparently a German national that was visiting the music festival. Her name is Shani Louk. It’s your blind eye on the #IRGCterrorists‌ that led to this debacle in Israel. #WeStandWithIsrael #StopTerrorism

Shocking footage of Hamas infiltrator from Gaza using a motorized hang glider to fly into Israel


In southern Israel Palestinian terrorists are going house to house shooting civilians, including in front of children, and uploading photos to their telegram channel. Israelis are begging security forces for help. The terrorists have started trying to burn down houses to try to get residents out.


Israeli family held captive by Hamas, children forced to watch execution of sister:

“I wanted her to stay alive,” the young boy cries out.

Note: execution is edited out.


Hamas has kidnapped this elderly sick lady from her bed. Her name is Yafa, and we don’t know where she is or what they are doing to her.

Pray for her, and for the 100+ innocent Israeli men, women and children Hamas has kidnapped.

My friend's sister, Amit. A paramedic who tried to save lives in #KibbutzBari and she is only 22 years old.
The last time they heard from her was that she told her family that the terrorists came in, shot her in the legs and that she loved them. Since then it is not known what happened to her. 😢

Many Israeli women and children have been taken to Gaza as hostages to release Palestinian prisoners in Israel.
