Majority of Americans Support Hollywood Actor and Writer Strikes, Poll Shows

A new poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that a majority (55%) of U.S. adults sympathize with the writers and actors in the months-long dispute than with the studios they’re striking against (3%). Half of Americans (50%) approve of writers and actors striking, while 40% are neutral on the topic, and 9% disapprove. The more people said they had heard about the strike, the more likely they were to favor it. About six in 10 Americans have heard “a lot” or “some” about the labor strikes of writers and actors against Hollywood studios. Overall sympathy toward the writers and actors runs much more strongly among Democrats (70%), than Independents (47%) and Republicans (39%). The poll findings are consistent with previous polls conducted by Gallup and Data for Progress, which also showed that a majority of Americans support the writers and actors on strike over studios1234567.

Here are the key bullet points:

  • A new poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that a majority (55%) of U.S. adults sympathize with the writers and actors in the months-long dispute than with the studios they’re striking against (3%)1.
  • Half of Americans (50%) approve of writers and actors striking, while 40% are neutral on the topic, and 9% disapprove1.
  • The more people said they had heard about the strike, the more likely they were to favor it. About six in 10 Americans have heard “a lot” or “some” about the labor strikes of writers and actors against Hollywood studios1.
  • Overall sympathy toward the writers and actors runs much more strongly among Democrats (70%), than Independents (47%) and Republicans (39%)2.
  • The poll findings are consistent with previous polls conducted by Gallup and Data for Progress, which also showed that a majority of Americans support the writers and actors on strike over studios34567.

The poll findings suggest that while there is broad public support for the Hollywood actor and writer strikes, it may not be deep enough for most people to change their viewing habits.