Trump Leads Biden by Double Digits in New General Election Poll

A new poll released by The Washington Post and ABC on Sunday found that former President Donald Trump is currently leading President Biden by 10 points among voters1. The poll, which surveyed 1,008 adults from September 19 to 22, found that if the 2024 presidential election were held today, Trump would win 52% to 42% over Biden1. Respondents also held a poor view of Biden's handling of the economy and the U.S.-Mexico border, in addition to his age1.

The Post downplayed the results of its own poll after it showed Trump with such a commanding lead, however1. "The sizable margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat," the Post wrote Sunday. "The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier"1.

Despite the Post's caveat, the poll has sparked controversy and concern among Democrats and Biden supporters5. Other recent polls have shown a much closer race between Trump and Biden, with some even showing Biden in the lead236. However, the poll's results highlight the challenges that Biden and the Democratic Party may face in the 2024 election, particularly in terms of messaging and voter outreach1.

Key facts from the story:

  • A new poll released by The Washington Post and ABC on Sunday found that former President Donald Trump is currently leading President Biden by 10 points among voters1.
  • The poll surveyed 1,008 adults from September 19 to 22, and found that if the 2024 presidential election were held today, Trump would win 52% to 42% over Biden1.
  • Respondents also held a poor view of Biden's handling of the economy and the U.S.-Mexico border, in addition to his age1.
  • The Post downplayed the results of its own poll after it showed Trump with such a commanding lead, however1.
  • Other recent polls have shown a much closer race between Trump and Biden, with some even showing Biden in the lead236.