Long Island pastor arrested for producing child pornography

Jose Saez Jr., a Long Island pastor, was arrested and charged with producing child pornography, according to the FBI1. The FBI's Long Island Child Exploitation Task Force received an online tip that the pastor had been sexually active with children, leading to the arrest1. During the search, officers found 15 videos containing child pornography in a saved conversation on Telegram on Saez's phone1. One of the videos included a 16-year-old boy performing sex acts1. Saez admitted to officers that he has engaged in similar conduct with multiple other minors, telling them, "I'm sorry that I cannot stop," according to the complaint1.

Key facts:

  • Jose Saez Jr., a Long Island pastor, was arrested and charged with producing child pornography1.
  • The FBI's Long Island Child Exploitation Task Force received an online tip that the pastor had been sexually active with children, leading to the arrest1.
  • During the search, officers found 15 videos containing child pornography in a saved conversation on Telegram on Saez's phone1.
  • One of the videos included a 16-year-old boy performing sex acts1.
  • Saez admitted to officers that he has engaged in similar conduct with multiple other minors, telling them, "I'm sorry that I cannot stop," according to the complaint1.